Email Deliverability Rate

The ability of an email message to reach the recipient’s primary inbox is known as email deliverability. A common way to gauge email deliverability is to look at the proportion of emails that the internet service provider (ISP) accepts. 

The emails you may have sent in the past that mysteriously vanished between your outgoing message and the recipient’s inbox come to mind when you consider email deliverability. There are other facets of deliverability besides this one.

Deliverability and inbox placement are linked; an email may get in the spam bin, the promotions or social media tab, or the main inbox. 

What is Email Deliverability Rate?

The capacity of an email to reach the recipient’s inbox without being returned, flagged as spam, or placed in the rubbish folder is known as email deliverability.  It refers to the proportion of emails that are successfully delivered by a mail server and may take into account a variety of criteria that influence whether an email is received by the intended recipient. 

For instance, if a particular domain name was used to send an email. But when it came to transmitting, the mail server was either offline or misconfigured. Then there will be some degree of failure with that particular effort.

Over 95% is an excellent email delivery rate. Email marketing tools like Active Campaign allow you to track the precise proportion of your emails that were opened, bounced, or delivered.

Naturally, a hundred percent is great but unachievable, so just make sure you maintain it as high as you can!

Email deliverability is influenced by a wide range of circumstances, many of which are under your control and others of which are beyond it, such as technical issues, outages, or subscribers’ full inboxes.

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Check Email Deliverability Rate

Examining the open rates

The first clue that anything is wrong with your deliverability may be your email open rates. It’s a good idea to check your findings with current email marketing standards since, depending on your niche, what seems like a low open rate may actually be the average. 

Divide the total number of unique openings by the total number of emails sent (excluding email bounces) to find the campaign’s open rate. 

It may indicate that your emails aren’t reaching inboxes and that you need to investigate your deliverability further if you discover that your average open rate is lower than industry averages.

Sending yourself a test email 

This is a fast and cost-free method of checking how your new email campaign appears in inboxes. It’s important to note that this isn’t 100% accurate because emails that arrive in your inbox might also end up in someone else’s spam bin.

Making use of a tool for email deliverability testing 

Numerous email testing programmes are available that can verify your emails for HTML mistakes, spammy content, email authentication, and a return path for bounced communications.

Verifying responsiveness and design 

Another important consideration is the manner in which your subscribers respond to your emails. By testing for features like mobile responsiveness and dark mode appearance, you may increase email deliverability.

Placing the Inbox

The percentage of your emails that land in the spam bin or make it to the inbox will be examined by an inbox placement tool. Some even evaluate the functionality of your emails across several mailbox providers!

When in doubt, always be sure by testing, testing, and testing some more! It’s always better to be safe than sorry! Additionally, for that professional confirmation, employ a deliverability tool.

How to Improve Email Deliverability Rate?

Your email marketing initiatives will not be successful until you increase your email deliverability rate. The following advice can help you increase the deliverability of your emails:

Organize Your Contact List Frequently

To make sure that your emails get in the inboxes of your subscribers, it is imperative that you keep your email list clean. Your sender’s reputation may suffer and your emails may be tagged as spam if your email list contains invalid or inactive email addresses.

You may raise subscriber engagement and boost your email deliverability rate by routinely purging your list of invalid or inactive email addresses. Furthermore, it’s critical to confirm that your subscribers have given their consent to receive emails from you in order to prevent any possible problems with anti-spam laws.

Make Your Emails Unique

Customization may greatly increase your email deliverability rates and is an essential component of successful email marketing. Your emails will be more relevant and interesting to your readers when you personalize them, and this may increase conversion, click-through, and open rates.

The act of addressing the recipient personally demonstrates your commitment to their feelings of importance and worth. Enhancing engagement rates may also be achieved by tailoring the content of your emails to the preferences and actions of the receiver.

Improve the Look of Your Emails

The majority of individuals read their emails on their mobile devices in today’s fast-paced environment. Consequently, it is now more crucial than ever to optimize your email design for smartphones. By doing this, you can make sure that, on whatever device used by your subscribers, your emails are simple to read and interact with. Emails that have a single column and a straightforward design will display well on all screen sizes. Engagement rates can also be raised by providing aesthetically pleasing pictures that are optimized for quick loading. You may enhance subscriber experience and eventually boost email deliverability by making your email design mobile-friendly.

Evaluate and Track Your Emails

Regular testing will enable you to find any problems that can affect your emails’ delivery. To make sure the email is not tagged as spam, it is crucial to test the email’s subject lines, body, and sender name and email address. Keeping an eye on your email campaigns’ deliverability, open, and click-through rates will help you determine their effectiveness. It is possible to ascertain what is effective and what needs improvement by monitoring these metrics. To maximize your email deliverability rates, modify your email approach in light of the outcomes of your testing and monitoring.

Keep Spam Triggers Away

Steer clear of email spam triggers including overuse of capital letters, exclamation marks, and buzzy language. Additionally, keep in mind that emails with a lot of graphics or huge file sizes may be flagged by spam filters.

Employ Trusted Email Marketing Resources

Use just the most trustworthy and legitimate email marketing platforms. They are essential for raising your email deliverability percentage. Making sure your emails adhere to anti-spam rules and regulations is another benefit of using a reliable email marketing solution. These solutions frequently come with built-in capabilities that can assist you in avoiding spam triggers, keeping your email list clean, and personalizing your correspondence.


While increasing your email deliverability rate is a difficult task, it is achievable. It’s critical to understand that there is no one-size-fits-all recipe for success. Every strategy you employ will be distinct from the previous one. The secret is to remain receptive. Try everything out and pick the solutions that are most effective for you. To make it easier to gauge your progress, make sure you have a goal in mind before you begin.

Are you sick and weary of poor sales conversions and low email deliverability rates? Try out Surereach Features now! Enhanced email deliverability and more sales can be achieved with our Campaigns tool, which offers personalized emails, dependable email list cleansing, and sophisticated tracking tools. Don’t hesitate, get started with our free trial now!

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