
A lead is an individual or corporation that may be interested in your product or service. Every lead consists of information you have on them. A simple lead might include a name, contact information, and firm name/location/job title. 

Types Of Lead

Lead Type 1: Based on Interest

Interest is the first factor that allows you to define leads and divide them into two subgroups:

  • Warm, or inbound leads- These expressed interest and discovered you on their own (for example, by visiting your blog and subscribing to your newsletters).
  • Cold leads, also known as outbound leads- They are leads that you produce using your targeting strategy and lead creation tools.

Outbound lead generation is properly regarded as more challenging than inbound owing to the complexity, time, and effort required from the sales team.

Lead Type 2: Based on Enrichment

The second type is based on the data you have about your leads. Depending on the quantity of data, you can divide them into two subgroups: 

  • Non-enriched leads- They contain little information. Typically, they merely have a name, an email address, or a phone number.
  • Enriched leads- It include a variety of additional information that may be used for personalisation and multi-channel marketing, such as secondary contact data, firm name, geography, job description, and pain areas.

Lead Type 3: Based on Qualification

This type helps to classify leads depending on their qualification and stage in the sales funnel:

  • Marketing qualified lead (MQL)- It has expressed interest in you but is not yet ready to communicate. Assume they’ve subscribed to your blog emails or joined up via your lead magnet, providing their contact information in exchange. 
  • Sales qualified leads (SQLs)- They have exhibited a genuine interest in your product and are one step closer to becoming a paying client. For example, such company leads provide their contact information so that they can contact your sales staff for further information about your product.
  • Product qualified lead (PQL)- It has made steps to become a paying client. They are identical to SQLs, but with one difference: PQLs are used for firms that provide a free trial (such as Surereach.io). These leads may be utilising your free trial but have questions about features that are only available in premium subscriptions.

Lead generation 

Lead generation is the process of looking for people who might be interested in your service and contacting them to continue the conversation and convert. It corresponds to the first stage in the buyer’s journey that is awareness.

The lead-to-customer conversion rate is never 100 percent. This is why populating the sales funnel with quality leads is the primary lead-generating goal. The value of obtaining excellent leads is evident. It helps you:

  • Target the appropriate folks- You direct your efforts towards certain clients who are more likely to purchase your goods or services. This saves time and money, streamlines your company’s procedures, and increases sales.
  • Increase brand recognition- Lead generation always requires teaching your leads about your firm and its product, whether they discover you on their own or you contact them with Information about your product’s characteristics- Leads may disseminate knowledge about your brand through word of mouth, bringing you more clients. 
  • Get important information- Generally, creating leads entails gathering information about your potential consumers, their desires and requirements, and your rivals. This allows you to enhance your product or service, giving it a competitive advantage in the market. 
  • Increase revenue- With an efficient lead generation approach, your organisation might generate 133% more income than you anticipated. 

Lead generation is a step-by-step procedure carried out by two groups: salespeople and marketers.

The sales team often concentrates on generating cold leads, which are subsequently used for cold calling, cold emailing, and cold marketing initiatives. They prioritise quantity, qualify leads, and finally focus on the most engaged ones. 

The marketing team focuses on creating warm leads. First, they obtain business prospects via various marketing channels, warm them up with suitable approaches, and then transmit hot leads to the sales department or close the transaction immediately.

Sales and marketing have various approaches and requirements, but the end aim is always the same: a customer, a transaction, or a sale.

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Lead Generation Techniques 

Sales lead generation is a complex process that requires much study and labour. However, it may be made easier (and more efficient!) with a few lead development strategies.

  • Use an appealing CTA.

Your entire landing page should always look great, but your CTA should be especially appealing to entice the lead to join up. When creating the call to action, consider the target buyer’s anxieties and wants.

  • Optimise your website and landing pages for mobile.

Nearly 60% of consumers would never suggest a website that is not mobile-friendly. Make sure all pieces are properly presented and that your lead may sign up from their mobile device.

  • Do not forget about email marketing.

According to multiple studies, email marketing remains the greatest option for businesses in 2023. Make use of it to nurture leads, onboard, give updates, and, of course, sell.

  • Be regular and consistent.

When individuals subscribe, they expect to receive more than just one email. Create an email drip campaign with good content and select the best email frequency to stay on your leads’ thoughts.

  • Start a referral programme.

Word of mouth is effective in every company. Allow your clients to share a referral link that will bring you new targeted leads in exchange for a little bonus or incentive.

  • Combine lead-generation methods.

Maintain a steady flow of leads into your sales funnel. If you see that inbound marketing isn’t producing enough leads, take action by using outbound lead generating techniques and relying on lead generation solutions.

Lead generating tools

Lead generating tools are pieces of software that assist you in either attracting leads or locating and contacting them independently. There are dozens, if not hundreds, of lead creation tools accessible, each with its own category based on your aims. We will talk about five of the most common categories: 

  1. Email Lookup Tools 
  2. Email outreach tools. 
  3. Marketing and sales automation technologies, or CRMs
  4. Communication Tools
  5. Advertising Tools
  • Email Lookup Tools

This programme allows you to automate the lead scoring process, namely identifying your leads’ email addresses. Surereach.io is one of them that allows you to collect emails from any website or social network page, automatically verify them, and build a list of targeted leads.

  • Email outreach tools. 

Email is still one of the finest ways to create leads. You may accomplish this with targeted email campaigns or cold emails, which you can simply create and automate using this program. 

For example, Surereach.io Email Drip Campaigns allows you to construct an email sequence, schedule follow-ups, personalise your message using variables, and even A/B test your campaigns to discover the most effective form. 

  • Marketing and sales automation technologies, or CRMs

There are all-in-one marketing and sales automation systems, or CRMs, that incorporate various elements required for effective lead creation. Furthermore, many of them include extra functionality such as lead management or qualifying. 

For example, Surereach.io allows you to not only identify and contact your ideal prospects via email, but also segment and manage them efficiently in your own account. Meanwhile, its connectivity options allow you to connect the tool to your favourite apps and CRMs for enhanced usefulness. 

  • Communication Tools

You may create leads by connecting with folks that visit your website using customised messengers. These solutions were created primarily to manage communication with your leads in one spot. 

Examples of communication tools include Intercom, Drift, and CallPage.

  • Advertising Tools

If you want to generate leads by promoting your business, consider using advertising software. These tools might help you attract more visitors to your website.

Examples of advertising technologies include Google Ads, AdEspresso, and AdRoll.


Lead generation might be time-consuming, but it is worthwhile. There are several lead generation strategies available; all you have to do is identify the ones that work best for you and your company. We propose that you begin with lead sourcing since you may perform lead generation marketing campaigns at little or minimal cost and receive high-quality targeted leads. Don’t be hesitant to employ email finding tools. Launch your lead generation campaign today and let Surepass.io help you generate excellent leads!

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