Find Company Director Details in India: A Step-by-Step Guide

There are many platforms available online where you can find the authentic company director details. These platforms are LinkedIn, Zauba Corp, InstaFinancials, and Tofler. You can directly access information such as the phone number, name, and email ID of the director from these websites. But you need to use an advanced detail extractor tool like Surereach. It is an online contact info finder tool. It offers a Chrome extension that you can use to extract the director details from business websites. Here, in this blog, you will learn how to access director details quickly. So, read the blog thoroughly.

Find company director details from Zauba Corp

Zauba Corp is an Indian website that provides information about the companies in India. It provides information about company finances, company directors’ details, etc. You can find information like company names, addresses, and financial reports. And import/export activities. Zaubacorp helps researchers and investors understand more about different companies and their operations.

Here is the list of steps you can follow to perform a company director search on Zauba Corp. But before that download the Surereach Chrome extension and login. After that proceed to the below steps

  • Visit the official website of Zauba Corp
  • Search company name
  • Navigate company profile
  • Click on the Surereach Chrome extension
  • Click on Get details

After clicking on the get details Surereach Chrome extension will provide the company details such as Name, Director Identification Number (DIN), email ID, Phone Number etc.

Find Company Director Details From LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a famous networking platform where professionals and companies create profiles. You can find all the companies and employees here. LinkedIn is used for various purposes like job search, following a company, joining an industry group etc. It is also used to share professional content. Businesses use LinkedIn for hiring employees, marketing and networking purposes. It is considered the best platform to find information about professionals including directors. So, follow the given steps to find the company directors’ information.

  • Login to your LinkedIn account
  • Search the company name and visit the company profile
  • Find the director profile from the employee’s profile list
  • Go to the director profile
  • Click on the Surereach Chrome extension
  • Click on Get details

These are steps you can follow to access the authentic information on the list of company directors.

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Find Company Director Details From Tofler

Tofler is a great online platform that provides business information and details of companies operating in India. You can data on company information, director details, corporate filing etc on this website. It is widely used for business research competitive analysis and due diligence. Investors use this website to understand the companies and market trends in India. You can follow these steps to learn how to find directors of a company details.

Visit Tofler Website

  • Search by company name, CIN, or DIN
  • Click on Surereach Chrome Extension
  • Click on Get Details

This is the simple method to perform a company director search and access their details,

Find Company Director Details From InstaFinancials

InstaFinancials is an online website that provides detailed information about companies in India. You can find details such as company finance, official fillings and company directors details. You can use InstaFinancials to find financial reports of the company. You can follow the below steps to find the company directors details quickly.

  • Visit InstaFinancials website
  • Search company name
  • Click on the director tab
  • Now click on the Surereach Chrome extension
  • Click on Get details

This is the simple method you can follow to find the list of company directors’ details. So, download the Surereach Chrome extension on your PC and extract contact information easily.


1. How To Find Director’s Details Of A Company?

You can find the director details of a company in 4 ways using the Surereach Chrome extension. Follow these steps to

  • Download the Surereach Chrome extension on your PC
  • Now you can visit any of these platforms LinkedIn, Tofler, InstaFinancials, and Zauba Corp
  • Visit the official site of any platform
  • Search company name
  • Visit the company and director page
  • Click on Surereach Chrome Extension
  • Click on Get details

This is the simple brief of steps you can follow to access the company director details in India.

2. How to find out who is director of a company is?

You have many ways to find the director of the company such as you can visit the MCA website as every company submits all its information to the Ministry of Corporate in India. On the other hand, you can use the Surereach Chrome extension to extract director information from platforms like LinkedIn, Tofler, Zauba Corp, InstaFinancials, etc.

3. How To View DIN Details?

You can Surereach Chrome extension to view director DIN details

  • Search the company name on Zauba Corp
  • Click on the Surereach Chrome extension and click on Get details

Surereach Chrome extension will provide you contact information of the director including DIN.

Find company director details in India from LinkedIn, Zauba Corp, Tofler, & InstaFinancials, through Surereach Chrome extension.

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